Monday, November 21, 2011

Help!! I went wrong trying to get rid of my blackheads!!?

so on this home remedies website it said combining lemon juice and ground cinnamon and applying that mixture to my face could get rid of blackheads so i tried it and when i put it on my nose my skin started to burn and get irritated so i washed it off and it did help a little but the area that i put it on is like red compared to the rest of my skin and its not going away and im going out soon!! Help its really noticable!!Help!! I went wrong trying to get rid of my blackheads!!?
You shouldn't put lemon juice in your face, it's only going to burn. If you want to make the red less noticeable try to put facial cream to appease the burning area and, you can always put foundation.

I hope I helped =)Help!! I went wrong trying to get rid of my blackheads!!?
Well for now I would put on some cover up, but that mixture probably really irritated your skin. I wouldn't put lemon juice on my face. You should the biore strips, and just get a face wash for blackheads and use it everyday. I also wash my face throughout the day to help keep it clean, it helps to keep most of the dirt from actually seeping into pores
You can put concealer on. I once tried the home remedy thing and it didn't work for me. You should try Biore, the deep cleansing pore strips, which worked great for me. Next time though, don't try anything like that before leaving the house. Always do that sometime before you go to bed
i heard your supposed to put like honey or smooshed tommatoe in thats what iv been doing and its been going really welll.... but instead of cinonum i put salt...haha

but um lostion put oil free loction on it.

answer mine?;_ylt=AgqMETpchHgmmWcIVVe8G9fsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090804203205AAXPsaH
It will go away eventually, but maybe you shouldn't have done this before going out. How long ago did you apply this home remedy? Maybe your patience is waring thin...

Make up, maybe?
lesson for the future...

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