i have very little acne when i remember to wash my face...i break out sometimes but its usually from dirty hands wiping off sweat. i do get a few small pimples here and there but they aren't to bad...but my nose...like every pore on my nose has a black head!! i pop them but they come back [[this only happens on my nose not with any other black head or pimple]] they aren't very noticable because i have small pores and i wear make up most of the time but not having them would be great!! so i need a product or home remedy that can easily get rid of my black heads...
what ive tried..and doesnt work..
poping them [[in any form! with a bobby pin or a safty pin or my fingers{cleaned}]]
black head removal stripes [[its crap]]
black head face wash [[peals my skin]]
i need something that WONT dry out my skin or peal it. [[my nose peals and dries really easy so sea salt wont work]]
im not good at remembering things so if i have to do it 2 times i day i wont remeber...1 time a day i can do.
umm...i have sensitive skin...i get ithcy very easily and get rashes very easil [[i have egsma..but not on my face]]
something less then $20 please!! i cant b spending an arm and leg on face wash!
so thats like my whole skin issue and then some...
please help if you can!
if not then just give me a suggestion...
thanks!!Stubborn blackheads on my nose help!
Fisrt get those pores open by putting lots of very very warm , water on your face so your skin gets soft and pores open. Then, try exfoliating your nose when you wash it by using a srcub like St. Ives Apricot Scrub (it's like 8 bucks tops and they have it for Sensitive Skin as well so it won't overdry..This step is needed so the next product can really get deep into the pores) then after you do that, put some Noxema (they have Noxema for Sensitive Skin) and just let it sit for like two minutes while you are already in the shower washing up (that way a minute or two will go by fast, no need to stand at the sink for 2 mins...it could seem like an eternity!) Then rinse. Try to do it as the last thing you do in the shower so that when you get out (now this is KEY) you go put COLD water on your nose (from the sink or whatever) so your pores CLOSE up. Cold water closes pores up pretty well. I think what is happening is dirt is getting in your pores so no matter how many times you clean them, they are left even more open only to collect more dirt. Noses tend to be more oily than the rest of most faces and can really hold dirt and clog pores resulting in blackheads. I know this sounds like alot but you only need to do it once a day and after 1 week (tops) you should see results. Once it becomes habit each time you shower it'll be no big deal at all and not time consuming. Also, both products combined will be less than 20 bucks. Stubborn blackheads on my nose help!
Okay, I have very sensitive skin, as well.
I also have small acne on my nose.
I use these: http://www.biore.com/usa/products/produc鈥?/a>
And they're not crap!
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