Monday, November 21, 2011

How should i remove my blackheads 4m my nose.pls help me ?

place a hot towel on your face for a few minutes then use Biore Pore ultra Cleansing Strips they work real well! and not to expencive just about $6 but its worth it.

hope i helped :)How should i remove my blackheads 4m my nose.pls help me ?
use st. ives acne products for blackheads.How should i remove my blackheads 4m my nose.pls help me ?
you sqeeze them to get the bacteria out and them wash your face thoroughly
steaming is the best option
Please don't squeeze them that's just makes them worst and your nose red and irritated. Try Biore Pore Cleansing Strips. I had them real bad all over my nose it just a mass productions of oil in your skin. Its easier to get rid of blcakheads than zits.
steam your face and pop em or buy one of those blackhead tools.Don't use the strips they give you spots i know from experience !!! Good luck pop those suckers!!!!!!!!!
Don't steam-too harsh; instead work immediately after washing, while the skin is still soft.

Don't squeeze; instead press on clean skin with a tool (see link below). I find that even heavy pressure with this tool causes less damage than light squeezing with hands. Don't forget to sterilize tool and skin both before and after.

To minimize the development of blackheads, use a BHA to help exfoliate into the pore.

Finally, use a gentle cleanser and don't use a lot of drying products. The skin likes to react to over-treatment by overproducing oil and blackheads are merely oil deposits in the pore that have reacted to air exposure.

I have attached a link for more info. Sorry about the blatant advertising included, but the info is worth it and her products really are the best.

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