Monday, August 23, 2010

Blackheads question ughhhhhhhh help?!?

So i had this white blackhead on the tip of my nose and i have tried popping it but it was so impossible and i gave up. The next morning i woke up with a red spot =\ how can i get rid of it?! it looks hideous even if its small, i start school on august 19. will it be gone by then?Blackheads question ughhhhhhhh help?!?
the redness formed because you picked at it and yes of course it will be gone by then, the 19th is 3weeks away. just use concealer to cover it for now and then perhaps toothpaste at night to bring the redness down.Blackheads question ughhhhhhhh help?!?
Okay, first get a warm rag. put it on your face for about a minute or until its cold. then wrap some paper towel around your finger and squeeze gently to get all the pusk out. then once pusk is out you should see some blood apperaing. thats okay because its now clean.

now wash your face clear again. and proably put some poroxide on it. that'll do the trick...i recommend this step and you'll be beautiful once again. not saying anyone with a pimple isnt. add me on ( for better help or questions.
The red spot is probably from you messing with it too much. Generally unless they are very pussy and ready to pop, you dont really want too try to pop them as this will only lead to further irritation.

Your best bet is to try a face soap and some topical cream.
Try clearasil. Or facial scrubs, avoid soap. You could try steaming your face too.

Your worried about ONE spot?

You're lucky, think of all the people with severe acne.

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