Aisha EID is so far yara why u r so upset with ur Blackheads :D:D just kidding u can use Garnier's Blakhead remover that's good n e hw wish u a very Happy EId there is another Cream which is medicated i just forget that name i will tell u later Insah Allah have fun but believe that really wash out black heads
UsmanWhat should I do about blackheads I NEED HELP AND FAST becaus Eid is coming up?
Tips to remove blackheads
http://acne-treatment-4-all.blogspot.com鈥?/a>What should I do about blackheads I NEED HELP AND FAST becaus Eid is coming up?
um apricot scrub it has like little grains to scrub your nose but juss try using it for your nose cus itll irritate the rest of your face .. use it twice a day and use moisturizer nd dont over moisturize to clog your pores , like use very little and a very thin layer of it because if u apply too much itll get all oily and bacteria will get in and then ur blackheads will be back
you can use johnson and johson black head remover.
Those little patches that pull them off/ Biore?
Buy the clearasil blackhead scrub. Go.. right now!!! Grocery store!! And use it twice a day!
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