Monday, August 23, 2010

Plz help me with my blackheads.......?

the strips does not remove blackheads from my nose........

I used the paste of baking soda but it works ony for a few hoursPlz help me with my blackheads.......?
Are you washing your face with warm water before using hte strip? Washing the face first will allow the pores to open up making it easier for the strip to adhere to blackheads.

You can also try steaming your face by wetting a cloth in hot water, rinse dry, and place on your face for 3 minutes before using the strip. Try using facewash that contain microbeads as well. The one I use is Aveeno Skin brightening daily scrub (with moisture-rich soy extracts and gentle microbeads).

Good luck!Plz help me with my blackheads.......?
Blackheads are really hard to remove, try a good face mask. But recently Ive been using Olive Oil on my face, search on the net theres some good reviews about it, ever since my blackheads on my nose are starting to be less noticable. And no it doesn't bring you out in spots (not me anyway)

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