hi i am a 15 year old male, i have never really had a problem with pimples and blackheads but now im breaking out around the nose does anyone know any quick fix?Help with pimples %26amp; Blackheads?
Try toothpaste.
No joke.
Professionals would say go and get some pimple cream from the supermarket, but toothpaste works just as well.
Except don't use too much of it, because it dries out the skin. =)Help with pimples %26amp; Blackheads?
use this for blackheads:
Biore Ultra Deep Cleansing Pore Strips for Nose
for face wash and moisturizer:
PURPOSE Dual Treatment Moisture Lotion with SPF 15*
and i also use witch hazel w/cotton balls for a toner on oily zones for my face
when i was your age i used those face pads around my nose and it burned and left marks around my nose-i hated it!
remember healthly skin is slightly moist
Dude I had the same problem when I was your age. Wash your face every morning and every night with a good det. soap. Do it at lunch if you can. After washing with the soap take rubbing alcohol and hit the problem areas. This will sting but will work just don't shave right before you apply the alcohol. At night before you go to bed apply a acne agent, in my day oxy 10 was the best. Just a spot on the pimple should dry it up. You do have to scrub good to knock out the black heads. Sometimes I would have to pop them out just like popping a pimple. Just make sure you wash with the alcohol after touching your face and don't apply to much pressure or you will bruise yourself. Be careful not to get the alcohol around your eyes or let it dry your skin out to much. Good luck acne sucks.
Do not sleep on your arm, wash your pillows and sheets regurarly. And make sure to wash your face in the morning and at night.
Dont touch your face during the day and wash your hands frequently
After a few weeks it will do the trick.
proactive works great! but my mom took me to the doctor and he prescribed this gel and it works really good! it gets rid of all my pimples :) so i would try to go to your doctor!
If you just started using a face wash this may be the problem use something milder or use it less.
if not, go out and buy real face wash they sell alot of good products that work at target or anywhere pretty much.
um, you can try oxy face wash, stridex, oxy pads...they worked for me for a little bit, but now i got this awesome stuff
wash your face 3 times daily with soap and water and use oxy pads consistantly.
i try to use an astringent twice a day...morn and night
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