I am a 17 year old guy and need help. My nose is covered in blackheads and i clean 1-2 times per day with salicilic acid but it doesn't work. I looked online and they have like tape stuff that pulls them out do these work to get rid of it permanantly or does it come back. Also is there any way i can make those because i cant really buy anything. %26lt; embarrases %26gt;Blackheads please Help!!!!?
hot compresses or washclothsBlackheads please Help!!!!?
of course there are plenty of products that you can buy, but if you are embarrased...well heres a good tip i found on TV which really helps remove blackheads you could also search the internet for the miracles of Baking powder that removes blackheads, very effective.
This is a step by step with the internet
Step 1:
Put approximately 陆 teaspoon of pure baking soda a in a clean bowl. Add 1/2 teaspoon of warm water and blend. If desired, add 录 teaspoon of sea salt. (If you have a large number of blackheads, increase these amounts.)
Step 2:
Apply the baking soda mixture to a clean, dry towel. Massage the different areas of your face that have blackheads.
Step 3:
Rinse off the baking soda with warm water. Wipe away any residual baking soda powder with a towel. You can repeat this process every few days in order to remove blackheads.
Try not touching your face with your hands, they have tons of oils that will make you breakout. Also, don't wash your face to much, washing the skin more than you should irritates it, causing for breakouts. And, try not to stress, those three things are the most important to follow, sooo good luck:)
get an astringent such a ';Sea breeze'; its basically alcohol that kills the bacteria. i wash my face with warm water to open up the pores and then use the alcohol to wash them out and then it closes them up. thats how i got rid of mine at least.
get the blackhead eraser from clean and clear....use it once a day and keep buying refill pads..use it for a week or so and itll show results...it really works for me and my sis
Rub oatmeal paste on face,leave it to dry for 15 minutes and scrub well before washing off with cold water. Check out http://usefulinfo-blackheads.blogspot.co鈥?/a> for more useful tips to control blackheads.
lol yeah they come back you have to change the food u eat
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