Monday, July 26, 2010

Blackheads, Spots. HELP!!!!!!?

Hi, i have alot of blackheads on my face, and spots, and my face has so much scars on it, and i was wondering if anyone else has this problem and if they can help me.

i have really dry skin.

Which product will you say works clean and clear or clearisle,

i have sensitive skin.

Please help.

Is there a product that helps remove scars.Blackheads, Spots. HELP!!!!!!?
Bio oil gradually fades scars, I know cos I used it on areas with very big scars and it has helped to make them fade better.Blackheads, Spots. HELP!!!!!!?
For the acne:

(these names arent exaclty correct, but descriptive enough where you can find them at a drug store)

1) get PONDS facial wipes. They are whipes and you get them wet and they foam then wash your face with them

2) use netrogena oil free acne wash

3) use clean and clear advantage (dont get the kit, just get the actually acne treatment which can be available separately)

4) use AVEENO moisturizing foam acne wash

5) use a clean and clear liquid (they are multi colored so get the pinkish one)

6) Use an apricot scrub (from that swiss company)

7) use an aveeno moisturizor. ONLY A MOISTURIZIOr! NOT an acne regimen. i highly suggest aveeno because it is cheep, misturizes well and doesnt clog pores

do this in the morning and moisturize throughout the day (once every 2 hours ESPECIALLY IF outside frequently)

and the aveeno stuff doesnt aggravate sun burns

BEFORE BED: use the apricot scrub


PS: other people may say that u cant use this much stuff on your face back to back but as long as you wash thoroughly between products and mpisturize A LOT

you'll be fiine :)

it worked for me, and i sound exactly like you
i also have REALLY dry skin and everything that i tried dried out my face so bad! then my mom bought me aveeno clear complexion foaming cleanser. i LOVE it!! it works very well. you can buy it at wal mart. good luck!
I have used Clearasil since I was at school - it works great - and I have sensitive skin.
Lemons, cucumber pulp, and cocoa butter. Clean your face with this mixture will see great results.
drink lots and lots and lots of water. doesnt get rid of acne but makes the skin look much healthier.

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