Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blackheads!! uugghh! help plz!?

im on roaccutane and using this soap bar for acne/oily skin which is amazing but it doesnt seem to get the blackheads out! any ideas ppl ... thanks ;*Blackheads!! uugghh! help plz!?
Avoid using creamy, greasy, and thick (emollient) products. This alone will greatly lessen your chances of sprouting blackheads.

Use a gentle and water-soluble cleanser.

DO NOT use bar soap!!! The ingredients that hold soap in a bar form can clog the pores in your skin. They can also cause skin cells to flake off prematurely and clog the pores. If you have dry skin you will need to use a cleanser that has a bit of moisturizer in it, but be careful! The excess moisturizers can cause an increase in oil on your skin.

Exfoliate to eliminate dead skin cells. If there are no skin cells to clog the pores, the natural oil is able to flow through freely. Exfoliation also removes the built up dead cells from inside the pores that cause them to become misshapen and more-easily clogged. Using an exfoliant that contains 1% or 2% beta hydroxy acids (BHA or Salicylic Acid) will penetrate the lining of the pore. If you are unable to use BHAs, you could use products containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), however these acids are only good for surface exfoliation because they do not penetrate the pore lining.

Absorb excess oil. If you have oily skin, try using a clay mask that does not contain mint, peppermint or other irritating ingredients.Blackheads!! uugghh! help plz!?
steam your face with a sauna if you can get one or stay in the whirlpool bath and splash hot water on them a lot

any hot water kept on these ugly things will cause them to come out and use a soap like ivory and sea breeze astringent..clearasil is good or nutragena..pls forgive the spelling as my spell check sucks..but don't pick at these too only makes them cause a scar tissue and you look all red in the face and infected too
i use nose strips. you could also use exfoliation soap.
Ask your dermatologist because the soap should be gettign it away. The dermatalogist will tell you about a soap that should help....just call
try acne scrub because i use that in my easrs and they come out
well i have the same problem maybe you should use dove soap to wash your face, drink lots of water, anad ask your dermotologist can they recommend you to use differin cream
go to a dermatologist
wash your face with benziol peroxide every morning and night. gets rid of em within a week.
You could try using face and nose strips to get blackheads out. They work pretty well as long as you follow the directions. Biore makes good nose and face strips. Don't try squeezing the blackheads out though. That just causes the bacteria to go deeper into the pore.

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