How do I remove them...I wash my hands and face regularly.. use some neutragena cleanser.. they are under my skin... like I have to squeeze and scar my skin to remove them... they just keep growing... on my forehead...Help! I have blackheads under my skin!?
If you are familiar with epson salt, go and buy ...and ask druggist for a drop of 1% phenol... In lukewarm water, dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of epson
salt , drop 1% phenol. Soak cotton in that, and put it in the affected areas where the blackheads are, repeat until you'll see the blackheads popping out.If you cannot fine epson, try another process
that also is giving good result. If you dont have face steamer just use rice steamer, cover your face with towel in a steaming water with peppermint, or anise for 15 minutes to 30. after which slightly pinch blacheads with clean black hair fin. See to it the hole of the fin is targetted at blackheads..Just slowly pinch it and due to steaming blackheads becomes soft and easily popped... Steaming is cleansing not only blackheads but all the dirts and stain oil in your face, and if you continue doing it, you will have cleanface and discourages blackheads out of your face.
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